schrittmacher/trittbretter (organengesang) [pacemaker/stepping boards (organ song)]
Stage performance; sound loop, string, chair, pc mouse, Vorhangmobil (cloth, metal wardrobe) scissors, Panzerbrust/Herzteil (wire, cloth, orange peel, string, duct tape, plastic; 2015), Trittbretter (wood, cloth, wire; 2015), Lamp, Akvædukt (cloth, needles; 2009), wire, Schubfachlampe (cloth, wire, lamp; 2015), microphone.
Approx. 25 min.
With D.K. featuring Adam Nankervis.
at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
Filmed by Frank Blum
In cooperation with the
Institue of Philosphophy, Technische Universität Berlin;
part of the Anthropofakte lecture series programme on prosthetics at the DHMD, 2014-2016
With thanks to
Dirk Sorge, the DHMD and the Antropofakte team.
See also:
Haut Kotüre
Entzaubert am Berg
oT Spri
[more images to come]
March 12 2015, 20h