oTspri* trifft burgund t brandt
*oT spricht eig. nicht. oT ist eigentlich alleine unterwegs. oT ist weder Fisch noch Vogel, Mensch noch Elephant. oT widerspricht sich nicht da oT eig. nicht spri
oTspea meets burgund t brandt*
*oT doesn’t actually speak. oT actually is out and about single handedly. oT whether fish nor bird, humanoid nor elephant. oT does not contradict oT as oT doesn’t actually spea
see also:
Entzaubert am Berg
2017 / 2017 / 2019
oT sitzt (2009)
oT sitzt (2009)
Treffen Nr. 3:
(from) Hochstand#8 [High Seat#8]
Hochstand Tour
NNOI festival #4, Großwoltersdorf (DE)
Snake (2013) by D.K.
Sound objects / immersive sound installation by burgund t brandt.
July 6 2019
Treffen Nr. 2:
(from) ISOLATION - a performance and territorial detection
Part of KLANG TOUR 2017, Vierte Welt, Berlin, incoporating Mæanderthaler:IVW (2012/2017, DK), as well as a sound/text collage by burgund t brandt & DK.
ISOLATION consisted of two parts: oT spri in a maze, followed by a sound walk participatory performance around Kottbusser Tor, one person with closed eyes/ears open, guided by one person with eyes open/ears open.
.giffed by burgund t brandt
Aug. 26 2017
Treffen Nr. 1:
oT Spri feat. Baumschulenpoesie - territorialgehabe und umweltphilosophie
at SCHATTENGEWÄCHSEL, Argh!/48Std Neukölln
incorporating Texten/Gadget (2017), Kappe (Gelb) (2010) and Fliegenmaske (2009) by D.K.
June 24 2017