Solo/salon-exhibition, coinciding with the release of a bilingual (DA/EN), eponymously titled publication, and further new self-published artist books;
Grass Harp, Berlin, May-July 2017.
A series of hanging and stading sculptural furniture (wood, perspex, cast metal, acrylic paint; dimensions variable, 2010-2017) was created for the exhibiton/salon (in a private Berlin apartment, by appointment), with the aim of containing a selection of sketch books, notational collections, calendars, folders, portfolios, printed matter, produced over the years.
A collateral programme consisting of talks, (musical) readings, workshop, collective dining, performances, with musicians, artist colleagues and academics expanded the frame of the show to encompass thematics including and not limited to:
the private sphere vs. publication and publicity, digitised life, form-giving and framing, language and translation, systems and archives, dealing with and avoiding habits, careerisms, precariousness, fashion currents, eco-social contexts, (il)legibility, mis- interpretations, and more.
Press release (excerpt):
Grass Harp 002 Daniel Kupferberg events:
here, here, here and here :
In the second edition of Grass Harp the Danish artist Daniel Kupferberg will show a selection of sketchbooks, booklets, calendars, portfolios, publications etc., collectively referred to by the artist as books+ and dating as far back as his early 90's school days in the Stjernekvarter area of Aalborg (DK). For this occasion Kupferberg has built various hanging, standing and mobile furniture sculptures to house this (in)accessible selection, which he has been involved with over the years.
The exhibition is accompanied by Grass Harp edition 002, an extensive overview of all books+ catalogued on loose concertina foldouts collected in a slipcase and published in collaboration with EigenVerlag. It comes withthe intent to be complemented by additional pdf files which will be sent out to each owner of an edition as the collection of books+expands over time.
During the exhibition there will be a programme of talks, performances and workshops with musicians, artists, theoreticians and other writing/notating colleagues (to be announced), as well as presentations of new publications by EigenVerlag.
May 05 ︎ July 07 2017
[Grass Harp edition 002]
Publication, 24 individually folded concertina leaflets in handbound cardboard box, b/w edition of 20;
EigenVerlag in cooperation with Grass Harp Berlin
Intrically worked-thru archival exploration into what I at the time called books+: sketch books, booklets, note collections, calendars, containers, portfolios, publications, etc. - To a large extent this includes elements of my processual work which had not been integrated or shown/shared until then, with a bibliographical and annotational system to match, and related essays as well as shorter remarks on the process an beyond, approached in a larger context.
From the introductory essay:
The German term Speicher can mean container, it can be written into cognitive or digital memory, be it short or long term. It can travel vertically as an elevator, be hidden away in an attic, or expand into a reservoir. I am imagining a silo of potentials and add a colon so that the building can be tapped.
My meta notes spill over with considerations, interjections, annecdotes, doubts and other imagery, as well as more
general questions I have been incubating: What is a book?
What is an archive, and how to keep one?
There is not (just) one or a few issues and technicalities which compel and move me, it’s rather a whole complex of them. There is no exclusive methodic approach nor any pointed/goal- driven philosophy. If there is, it is being continually reformulated. (...)
Speicher: is a framed narrative for many excesses, ways out, insights, idiosynchatic cheekiness and rhizomatic brachnigs, and
in encountering it one can be led to cross polinations, mutations, narrowings and other side effects. Maybe it is a kind of workshop: (...)
texts by Daniel Kupferberg
read by Olaf Schmidt & Lars Jolig, with soundscapes by Elisabeth Ruhe & Zhenja Oks
Potato salad by Ute von Halasz
Kindly hosted by Grass Harp Berlin
June 20 2017, 20h30
invite v2
Speicher: Archiv-outsourcing auf rutschigem Grund
Press release exerpts:
mit Materialbeständen von Dieter Lunt und Daniel Kupferberg
zu Gast: Theda Weber-Lucks & Alice Escher
Das Werkstatt-Gespräch ist Teil der Ausstellung Grass Harp 002 Daniel Kupferberg - Speicher: und wird in deutscher Sprache geführt.
Nachlässe aus dem Tresor, Paralleluniversen, Weitergang
Als Ausgangspunkt schauen wir uns Auszüge aus dem Nachlass von dem bildenden Künstler Dieter Lunt (1967-2008) an, der über Jahre mit Theda Weber-Lucks befreundet gewesen ist: Unveröffentlichte und für die Welt bislang unzugängliche Skizzenbücher aus dem Tresor. Was könnte die Nachwelt damit anstellen? Daraus folgen viele weitere offene Fragen: Die Sperrigkeit des Mediums - wie kann sie ausgestellt werden, wie vermittelt? Gibt es Wege über die “gängige” Praxis, im Stile von Best Of Cobain-Faximiles, hinaus diese Bücher zugänglich zu machen? Was ist dieses Format, welches konventioneller Weise zwischen zwei Buchdeckeln sich ausspielt, überhaupt? Und wie hängt das alles zusammen mit Themenkomplexen die auch in der aktuellen Ausstellung Speicher: allgemein als offene Bearbeitungsfragen in den Raum gestellt werden: Archiv, Prozess, Werkzeug, Digitalisierung, Überschreibung, Transkription, Gesamtwerkkonzepte, usw.?
Neben Theda Weber-Lucks (multidiszipläre und experimentell-forschende Musikwissenschaftlerin und Musikpädagogin (2008 Dissertation über vokale Performancekunst) / zwischendurch Brezelbäckerin und Kulturverantalterin in Quebéc (2008-2014) / Leiterin des Fachbereichs Neue Musik and der Leo Kerstenberg Musikschule in Berlin) ist für das Gespräch Alice Eschereingeladen, eine berliner Künstlerin die in Performances, Videos und Hörspiele u.a. mit Sprache, experimentelle Vermittlung und idiosynkratische Gedankenvernetzungen arbeitet.
The Slipperyness of Archival Outsourcing
with material stocks of Dieter Lunt and Daniel Kupferberg special guests: Theda Weber-Lucks & Alice Escher
Estates from the Vault, Parallel Universes, Proceedings
As a starting point, we will have a look at outtakes of the estate of the visual artist Dieter Lunt (1967-2008), a long time friend of Theda Weber-Lucks: So far unpublished and inaccessible sketch books from the vaults. What ways could the afterworld approach this? Several open questions follow: The medium is bulky - how can one exhibit it, how to mediate it? Could there be ways of making these books accessible beyond the “established” practice of making Best of Cobain-style faximiles? What is this format, which conventionally takes places between two book covers, in the first place? And how is this all connected to the wealth of thematic webs which also are being questioned in the current exhibition of Speicher: — archive, process, tool, digitalisation, over-writing, transcription, concepts of gesamtwerk, etc.?
Joining our guest Theda Weber-Lucks (multidisciplinary and experimentally researching musicologist and music teacher (dissertation on vocal performance art 2008)/from 2008-2014 brezel maker and cultural event organiser in Quebéc/currently head of the department of New Music at the Leo Kerstenberg School of Music, Berlin) is Alice Escher, an artist residing in Berlin who in performances, videos and audio pieces works with language, experimental mediation and idiosyncratic thought-interlinking.
June 29 2017, 19h30
Speicher: FIN
Speicher:Kartöfler [Potato Fanzine]
Marta Leite’s Uma Batata Enjaulada
Press release [excerpts; edited] :
- For English scroll down -
Freitag 7. Juli, 19.00 Uhrf.b event
Um 20.30 wird eine Performance von Kathrin Köster und Daniel Kupferberg in Zusammenarbeit mit Theda Weber-Lucks geboten, klanglich begleitet durch Elisabeth Ruhe (Flöte)
Zwischendurch präsentiert Daniel Kupferberg eine frische Ausstellungsdokumentation-in Form eines Kartoffelfanzines. In Verbindung hiermit stellt die darin beitragende Künstlerin Marta Leite ihr Heft "Uma Batata Enjaulada" (Eine liegende Kartoffel) von 2012 zum ersten Mal öffentlich vor.
Friday 7th July, 7pm f.b event
At 8.30pm Kathrin Köster and Daniel Kupferberg in collaboration with Theda Weber-Lucks will stage a new performance with additional soundscapes by Elisabeth Ruhe (flute)
Also, a fresh version of an exhibition documentation in the shape of a potato fanzine booklet will be presented.
Joining Daniel Kupferberg is the contributing artist Marta Leite who will (for the first time in public) read from her artist book "Uma Batata Enjaulada" (A Laying Potato) from 2012.
07 07 2017
Kartöfler is old Danish for potatoes. And on potatoes it ondulates, the fanzine. And Speicher:. Containers. And archiving. And books. Exchange. And extracting. Quoting. And tapping. And transforming. And all the other things contained and linked to, beyond.
With special thx to Petra, Adam, James, Ute, Olaf, Elmar, David, Mr Büscher, and more.
released 07 07 2017