Weaving Waves
as part of Traces artist collective,
Den Grænseløse Festival, Havmøllen, Ebeltoft/DK
Press text:
People of all ages will be invited to dye fabrics out of food waste, weave together, collect materials, converse, and morph the collaborative space into a structure one can stay inside or in-between. A space created through a collaborative weaving process, interlacing locally sourced algae, food waste, dyed textile fragments, and other elements found in the surroundings. Relating to the theme of the festival - on borders and boundaries - instead of defining borders we are interested in creating permeable spaces, focusing on transitional processes and dialogue. Challenging ourselves to give up on ideas of authorship and productivity to create a temporary space that changes with the wind, the sun and the people who interact with it.
Traces is a Berlin-based loosely woven collective consisting of Carolin Seeliger, Kathrin Köster, Lee Stevens, Marei Löllmann & Daniel Kupferberg
More details / images [here ]
Aug 12-14 2022
Screening / installative Sound Performance / (informal) Talk
ACUD Club / Berlin School of Sound
Mitwirkende, u.a. /
With, amongst others:
Sofia Borges (perc.),
Myriam Doumi (vocals),
Tim Florence (grand piano),
Dietmar Herriger (sopr. sax),
Daniel Kupferberg (proj.),
Theda Weber-Lucks (vocals),
Jeremy Woodruff (bar. sax)
Licht und Projektion verwandeln. Klänge auch. Städtische Orte, wie Brunnen an öffentlichen Plätzen oder künstlich angelegte Wasserfälle in Parks, werden durch sie transparent für anderes Sein. Mitten im Alltag findet Verwandlung statt, beginnt etwas zu raunen, Stimme zu erheben, Klang zu werden – alte Quellen, umgekrempelte Mythologien.
Im Herbst 2021 haben Theda Weber-Lucks und Daniel Kupferberg, Vokalperformerin und bildender Künstler, die Berliner Stadtlandschaft erforscht und zum Klingen gebracht. Dabei gaben die Bühnenbild-ähnlichen Inszenierungen dieser Orte Anlass zu persönlichen Assoziationen und Reflektionen – Stadtgeschichten statt Stadtgeschichte, urbane Räume als vielschichtig überlagerte Projektionsfelder.
Aus dem Zusammenschneiden von Bildern und Klängen ist wiederum eine ganz eigene Form des „Musikvideos“ entstanden. In einem meandrierenden „flow“ zwischen Video-Screening und Live-Performance mit Projektion stellen Kupferberg und Weber-Lucks eine Rückblende ihrer Arbeit und ein neues, im Entstehen befindliches Projekt vor.
Light and projection transforms. So does sound. Urban spaces, such as public fountains oder artificial waterfalls in parks, gain transparency through these means for other ways of being. Steeped in the middle of everyday life transformation takes place, starts a rumble, voices raised, becomes sound - ancient springs, reshuffled mythologies.
During the fall of 2021, Theda Weber-Lucks and Daniel Kupferberg, vocal performer and visual artist, trawled the urban landscape of Berlin and made it resound. By staging these sites, room was made for personal associations and reflections - stories of the city, not city history, urban spaces as many layered projection surfaces.
Meanwhile, the splicing of images and sound during the documentation editing process has led to a series of “music videos” of sorts. In a meandering flow between video screening and live performance with projections, Kupferberg and Weber-Lucks throw back to their recent collaborations and present a new project in the making.
see also:
Well, Well
[Live Scores]
Das Klangfarbenorchester