/ 12m + 40m versions
On the 12 and the 40m versions:
Through a black field, strips of paper are shoved by hand from right to left in a crude and shaky fashion. Depicte on the strips are ever-changing variations of the previously depicted, making up an everchanging and evolving codex. A play on the conventions of animation.
Accompanied by the soundtrack of a local laundromat's worth of dry tumblers and washing machines.
2012 / 2013 / 2017
/ Wall Mount Version
graphite pencil on paper, 1,5 x 4000 cm mounted on walls,
additional 1,5 x 1000 cm mounted on the floor
@ Enter, T.V.O.D. Berlin
For Enter, the Mæanderthaler strip is mounted as a frieze along 4 real and imaginary doorways and above the floor of T.V.O.D. - Facing the entrance, a processual “shadow” version for footsteps and city dust is mounted on the floor, which gradually dissolved during the opening hours of Enter.
Eventually, the strip would get pickled and stored in jars for the Pickled Version, first presented at Antenne/ANTENNAE, another vacant space., June 2013.
22-24 Aug 2012
/ 40m Book version
with the soundtrack of whirling laundrette machines
tablet, video (25 min., sound, loop), headphones, cardboard cover
@ Enter, T.V.O.D. Berlin
Aug 2012
/ (a)bridge(d)
3 min. video loop, silent
for a Bridge projection in Dunbo, Brooklyn, NY, US (unrealised)
/ Pickled Version
Mæanderthaler 1,5 x 4000 cm drawing (approx 80 strips) pickled in numbered pickle jars, various dimensions.
<Antenne> & <<ANTENNAE>>,
another vacant space., 2013
Grass Harp Berlin, 2017
July-Aug 2013
May-July 2017
Pickled Version, <Antenne> / <<ANTENNAE>>
May-July 2017
Pickled Version, Speicher: [Grass Harp]
/ Open Impro
Konzertsaal, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin
Improvisational workshop with the Open Impro group of LKMS Berlin, organised by Theda Weber-Lucks
Dorothee Dalg (voc)
Tim Florence (grand piano)
James Edmonds (objects, piano)
Petra Graf (objects, piano)
Daniel Kupferberg (objects, piano strings)
Helge Täubinger (classical guitar)
Theda Weber-Lucks (voc)
Documented by Adam Nankervis
on the eve of my birthday.
14 Oct 2016
Tim Florence engaging with a Pickle Jar, 14.10.2016
Tim Florence engaging with a Pickle Jar, 14.10.2016
/ oT spri* II / ISOLATION
Video installation for the joint performance of oT spri* II / ISOLATION with burgund t brand, Vierte Welt / Klangtour 2017
see also:
oT spri* trifft burgund t brandt
Well, Well
26 Aug 2017
coming up
09 April 2022