Well, Well (Ringe im Wasser, Treibgut, Sog)
Premiere, 50 min., Kreuzberg waterfall, Viktoriapark, Berlin.
Performance for a lost friend, to the backdrop of a series of images and a reactive sound scape based on different interpretations of movements of water: Still, blubbering, waves forming, stormy, and calming down again. Set in the amphitheatre-like, artificial “spring”of the Kreuzberg waterfall, the visual and the sonical elements inter- weave, based on a collaborative score by Weber-Lucks and D.K., with the abstract circular movement of sound-waves by the ensemble responding to the visuals and text narrative of personal recollections in text/visual form: to save a friend from “drowning”, utilising imag- ery of lighthouses, “sails” in the proporsions of standard mattresses, lifesaver, various animated abstractions and shots of moving water.
When the sun gradually goes down behind the Kreuzberg and dusk sets in, two projectors placed back-to back in the middle islet project onto the moveable sails and a “life saver”, as well onto to the musi- cal ensemble and into the (park) wilderness, making the performers become part of the man-made “natural” setting, turning the surround- ings into an imaginary, transformative landcape.
With: Foudil Brétel (trumpet), Michael Conrad (tenor), Myriam Doumi (alto), Petra Graf and James Edmonds (projection), Dietmar Herriger (bassclarinette), Julien Kielwasser (flute), Daniel Kupferberg (waves, object movement, projection), Ulf Mengersen (contrabass), Elisabeth Ruhe (flute), Frieder Schubert (saxophone) and Theda Weber-Lucks (soprano).
Concept: Theda Weber-Lucks and Daniel Kupferberg
Image and text; light directions: Daniel Kupferberg
Musical concept/direction: Theda Weber-Lucks
Documentation: Elmar Kaiser with Daniel Kupferberg
Leo Kestenberg Musikschule des Bezirks Tempelhof-Schöneberg, FG Neue Musik. Performance und Klangkunst im Rahmen von DRAUSSENSTADT, gefördert von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa sowie der Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung – Berlin 2021.
Special thx to M.S.M.H.
The performance will be restaged on Oct 15 2022.
see also:
Das Klangfarbenorchester
[Live Scores]
31 Oct 2021, at sunset 16h30